• Profile of a St Philip Graduate


    A Graduate of St Philip School will:



    Learn Jesus, Love Jesus, Live Jesus
    Consider Gospel values and virtues during the decision making process
    Develop a life of prayer rooted in the sacraments and Sacred Scripture.
    Serve as active members of their Parish Community



    Demonstrate integrity, moral behavior, and respect for others
    Accept the correlation between actions and consequences
    Embrace the virtues of the Angelway as a way of living daily life
    Share time, talent, resources and leadership with family, school, church and the local and global communities
    Possess and continue to develop a well-formed conscience based on the teachings of the Catholic Faith.



    Express confidently and logically his or her thoughts in written and oral form
    Possess strong critical reading skills and the ability to interpret, judge and discuss a written text
    Think critically and creatively, using the vocabulary and concepts of the arts, literature, languages, religious studies, natural and social sciences, mathematics, technology and physical education
    Continue to develop the skills needed for success in further education.
    Approach life with an active curiosity and remain a lifelong learner.




    Share time, talent, resources and leadership with family, school, church and the local and global communities.
    Demonstrate integrity, responsibility, and courtesy for themselves and others in our multicultural world
    Make choices that promote health and safety for self and others




    Maintain a positive self-image
    Practice wellness of the body and mind
    Continue to explore a variety of activities which encourage the personal use of talent, sportsmanship, positive competitive spirit, and the opportunity for healthy leisure.