• apple

    NAME: Miss Astwood

    SCHOOL: St. Philip

    CLASSES TAUGHT: Math, Reading, Social Studies, Catechetics, Library (2nd-8th)

    SCHOOL PHONE: 412 928-2742 ext. 4


    About The Teacher

    This is my fourteenth year at Saint Philip and as an alumni, I can't think of any place I'd rather teach. 
    I graduated from Clarion University with both my undergraduate and graduate degrees.
    I am very excited to get to know all of my students and pray for a wonderful school year!

    Mission For The Class

    Sixth grade is a transitional year for the students as they enter middle school.  
    My mission for the class is to provide academic challenges that encourage each child to reach their full potential. Growing in our faith is also an important part of daily activities. Through prayer, service, and the ongoing practice of virtues, students grow in appreciation for their catholic faith and its importance in their daily lives.