• First Grade Academics


    Language Arts (Reading, Grammar, & Spelling)

    1. Read  short & long vowels and consonant sounds.
    2. Read and spell sight words & basic vocabulary.
    3. Read and comprehend written material independently.
    4. Read orally with fluency.
    5. Recognize different forms of literature.
    6. Use correct grammar, grammar usage, punctuation, & capitalization in written form.
    7. Write in sentences and progress to paragraphs.



    1. Add and subtract to 20.
    2. Solve addition & subtraction word problems.
    3. Recognize up to 3 digit numbers.
    4. Understand mathematical symbols (+, -, =, <, and >).
    5. Recognize geometric shapes & attributes.
    6. Read and analyze graphs and their data.
    7. Name all coins and their value.
    8. Solve problems with money up to $1.00.
    9. Tell time to the half hour.



    Write all upper and lower case letters in correct form and legibly.



    1. Name living and nonliving things.
    2. Name & illustrate life cycles of the butterfly and frog.
    3. Name and illustrate the plant cycle and water cycle.
    4. Name our solar system.


    Social Studies

    1.   Name our world’s habitats.

    2.   Recognize our national symbols and leaders.

    3.   Read a map and name the directions (N,E,S,W).