    How do I find out bussing information for my child and who my child's teacher will be?
    Each school district communicates its bus schedule differently.  Please call your child's school district transportation office in August to verify what your child's bus assignments will be for getting to and from school.  For your convenience, the transportation department phone numbers for the most common school districts providing bussing for our students are listed below.  Teacher assignments will be posted on Option C approximately two weeks prior to the first day of school. If you are a family who is new to the school, you will receive a letter over summer from your child's teacher (Kindergarten) or from the Principal (if you are new to Grades 1-8).  The letter will inform you of who your child's teacher will be.  To learn more about all of our stellar teachers, click here.
    Carlynton:             412-429-2500, ext.1103
    Char Valley:          412-429-7011
    Keystone Oaks:    412-571-6012 
    Montour:               412-490-6500 ext. 4700
    Pittsburgh:            412-529-8125
    South Fayette:      412-221-4542, ext. 455
    West Allegheny:   724-695-5213
    What fundraisers do I need to participate in? / What is FRQ?
    Each St. Philip family has a Fundraising Quota (FRQ) of $450 annually.  Families may opt out of their fundraising responsibility by paying a $450 fee directly to the school.  Most families choose to raise the money throughout the year and easily meet or exceed their goal.  The fundraising year begins on March 1st and ends on the last day of February of the following year.  If a family does not meet their fundraising goal by the end of the cycle, they are required to pay the balance. For a list of our fundraisers, click here.
    What are my required volunteeer hours and how do I earn them?
    St. Philip School requests that each family volunteer 20 hours of service each year. Families may opt out of this requirement by paying an annual fee of $200. Families who volunteer, but do not fulfill their 20 hour requirement, will pay a balance of $10 per unserved volunteer hour at the end of the annual cycle.  The volunteer and fundraising cycle runs from March 1st through the last day of February of the following year. For detailed information on volunteering, click here.
    What are "certs?" / What is the Gift Card Program?
    "Certs" is short for "gift certificates" or the Gift Card program.  This program is one of the primary and most popular ways to earn your Fundraising Quota (FRQ) because it represents no out-of-pocket expense.  St. Philip School is permitted to retain a percentage of each gift card sale as a fundraiser for the school.  So for example, if you spend $500 at Giant Eagle each month, you can earn 5% in FRQ credit ($50) each month by purchasing your Giant Eagle gift cards from SPS.  For more info on gift cards, click here
    How do I order certs/gift cards during the school year?  During the summer?
    During the school year you may send your order form and payment to school in your child's book bag Tuesday through Friday and your order will be sent home to you that same day.  Over summer, in-stock orders can be dropped off at the parish office on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and picked up at the parish office one week later.  Orders cannot be dropped off or picked up on weekends. For detailed information on our Gift Card program, click here.
    How do I stay current with school news? / (Newsflashes, Blog, FIP)
    Our website includes a blog updated regularly that chronicles the various classroom and school news of the year.  The  most recent posts can be found on the left section of the home page under "SPS Now! School Blog" and the full blog can be found by clicking here
    Newsflashes are emails that are sent to you from the school principal, your child's teacher, the PTG, and the St. Philip Athletic Association when these persons or groups want to share an important announcement.  When you receive the email, simply click on the link to be taken to the corresponding Newsflash.  If you are a new family, or have a new teacher, you need to subscribe to these Newsflashes. To subscribe to a particular teacher's newsflash, go to his/her classroom web page and click on Newsflash in the left hand bar.  Scroll to the bottom of the Newsflash page and click on "Subscribe to this Newsflash" to sign up.  Follow this same procedure of scrolling to the bottom of the Newsflash page to subscribe to the other Newsflashes as well.  Click on the links below to subscribe:
    FIP stands for Family Information Packet.  These packets are sent home in your child's book bag the first and third  week of each month and contain important fliers and information from the school. Please empty the large envelope and return it empty to the school the next day.  The same pre-labeled envelope is used to send FIP packets to you for the entire school year.
    How do I check my child's grades?
    You can access your child's grades through our online grade book provider, Option C.  User IDs and Passwords are distributed to ALL families at Meet the Teachers night at the beginning of every school year.  If you have problems logging into the site, please send an email to Mrs. Huth by clicking here.
    How do I get my volunteer clearances?
    Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to obtain your Diocesan-mandated volunteer clearances as well as all the forms and links you will need.