• students at desks


    Please Follow Our Rules 
    1. Follow directions quickly.
    2. Raise our hands for permission to speak.
    3. Raise our hands for permission to leave our seats.
    4. Make smart choices.
    5. Keep our dear teacher and class happy.
    Thank You
    Also in kindergarten we will be working on some important social skills. The 
    social skills we will be working on are listed below and how to follow these 
    social skills.
    Following Directions
    Accepting No
    Greeting Others
    Getting the Teacher's Attention
    Asking for What You Want

    Warm and Fuzzies

    Each child will earn warm and fuzzies for great school behaviors and
    showing responsibility. They will be able to use these warm and
    fuzzies to shop at our class store!!!

    K-2 Expected Behaviors

    School Rules

    1. Show respect for the people and property that are part of St. Philip School.
    2. Follow directions the first time they are given.
    3. Use kind words and actions.
    4. Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.


    Action Plan

    Step 1: Verbal discussion between the teacher and the student.

    Step 2: Parents are notified by written note, phone conversation, or email.

    Step 3: Principal and/or guidance counselor will be contacted to meet and discuss the issue.

    Step 4: Principal and parent will meet to discuss the child’s placement within our school.