
    Head Lice Information


    Please check your child’s hair periodically to keep lice breakouts at a minimum.


    Watch for signs of head lice, such as frequent head scratching. Anyone can get head lice. This mainly occurs by head to head contact, but also from sharing personal items such as hats and brushes.


    Check all family members for lice and their eggs (nits). Lice are reddish-brown wingless insects. Nits are smooth, grayish-white ovals glued to the hair, usually near the scalp. They are most commonly found behind the ears, at the nape of the neck and the center line of the crown. Be sure not to confuse nits with hair debris, which is white, irregularly shaped and easily dislodged. Purchase over-the-counter treatment product for head lice such as Rid or Nix or contact your doctor for a prescription treatment. Lice-killing products are pesticides and must be used with caution. Follow package directions carefully. Usually it is recommended that the treatment be repeated in 7-10 days. DO NOT over-treat. If you need further assistance, The Center for Lice Removal is a great resource.


    Remove all nits. Because lice shampoo is not 100% effective, reinfestation may occur if nits are allowed to remain in the hair. Nits do not fall out with the shampoo treatment. They are glued to the hair. A rinse of vinegar or an over-the-counter nit remover such as Clear may be helpful. Nit removal is a long, time consuming process. Use a strong light and magnifying glass. Separate hair into small sections and work on one section at a time. Start as close to the scalp as possible. Remove all attached nits with a fine tooth comb or your thumb and index finger, sliding each egg off the hair.


    Wash bedding and recently worn clothing in hot water and dry in hot dryer for at least 20 minutes. Combs and brushes may be soaked in hot water (at least 130 degrees) for 10 min.


    Avoid lice sprays. Vacuuming is the safest and best way to remove lice from upholstered furniture, rugs, and car seats. Throw the vacuum bag away when you are finished if applicable. Stuffed animals, etc. may be sealed in a plastic bag for at least 2 weeks to kill lice.


    Please remind your child not to share combs, brushes, hats towels, headphones, etc. If you find your child has head lice, please notify the school, daycare, etc. immediately.


    No child who has head lice or nits may return to school until seen by the school nurse and judged to be non-infective. This may be the morning following treatment if all steps have been completed. It is required that a child be free of ALL nits before returning to school. Please accompany your child to school to be rechecked.