• School Rules         rules

    1. Show respect for the people and property that are part of St. Philip School.

    2. Follow directions the first time they are given.

    3. Use kind words and actions.

    4. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.


    Action Plan

    Step 1: Verbal discussion between the teacher and the student.

    Step 2: Parents are notified by written note, phone conversation, or email.

    Step 3: Principal and/or guidance counselor will be contacted to meet and discuss the issue.

    Step 4: Principal and parent will meet to discuss the child's placement within our school.


    Inside our Classroom we try to be 5 Star Listenersstar star2 star3 star4 star5

    Eyes looking

    Ears listening

    Mouth Closed          

    Feet still

    Hands Still

    I will often ask for a HI-5!   hi5

    In our room we try to Listen, Raise our Hand, Keep Our Hands to Ourselves,

                                         Take Turns, Share, Put Things Away, Help Others, Cover Our Mouth when we cough or sneeze,

                                               Say Please and Thank You, Eat Politely, Solve small problems on our own

    We have a Stop Light  stop light

    Everyone starts the day on GREEN!  This is where we want to be to earn stickers for our sticker charts.  Filling up our charts gets us to the Prize Box! We then get a new chart on our chair.  It is up to the kids to decide to follow the rules to earn stickers! 

    If the student is not behaving as expected, they move to the YELLOW Warning Light!  This helps to focus the student on his/her behavior.  If the behavior does not improve, the child stays on yellow and has not earned a sticker for the morning or afternoon.

    If the behavior continues or gets worse, the student is moved to RED! The student will not have earned stickers and may miss some Recess Time or Center Time or Free Chioce Time to think about the expected behaviors.